Xing Nian Kuai Le, Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year! We think the best way to wind down this weekend is to catch a comedy film all about family called “Filial Party”.
Chinese New Year for some may be about the food, the Ang Baos and maybe even the gambling that follows suit, but at the heart of it all Chinese New Year is all about family!
Released in 2014, Filial Party is a Singaporean comedy drama about a reality TV game show. The show pits families against each other in an attempt to prove who is the most filial to their parents in return for a million dollar grand prize. This comedy drama has something for everyone, a compelling and heartwarming story mixed with a perfect blend of childish and more mature humour.
With each family having a compelling background story to tell, the film is able to fit its huge star studded cast into its mere 2 hours. All this, while still being able to flesh out the story of each family to a relatively full picture for the audience. Of all the families showcased in the film, you would want to pay special attention to that of Peh Ah Beng’s family, who is unanimously the ‘main character’ of the show.
Peh Ah Beng’s family is one that is presented to be in a state of disarray. His relationship with his wife and father is strained, to say the least, and with some serious debt, there doesn’t seem to be any upside in his family’s situation no matter how you slice it. Despite this, you’ll come to find yourself unknowingly rooting for him over the other contestants.
The film mainly tackles the idea of being filial; what it truly means to be a filial child whilst also discussing topics such as deception and the extent that people would go for money, giving the audience the chance to reflect on them. Brace yourselves for all the lectures that are going to be given out by parents teasing their children.
So are you as filial as you think you are? Why not try putting it to the test and gather up as many generations of your family as possible to watch Filial Party, available on Apple TV (iTunes Movie store) here.