Wondering what Action Films to watch? Give Asian Action a try.
Say you got a taste for that electrifying experience that comes from watching a good fight sequence in a movie- the bone-crunching impacts and the goosebump-raising ‘badass’ moments that you will inevitably talk about with those who have seen it.
If you’re bored on the current Hollywood fare, why not follow the modern action film back to where arguably a lot of it is inspired from, Asia? One of the films that really captures the spirit of Malaysian Action filmmakers, is J Revolusi(J Revolution).

Yup. Explosion. That’s in the first 10 minutes.
Starring Zul Ariffin and Nur Fazura as a brother and sister duo in Malaysia’s elite special ops unit, UTK, they go head to head with an international terrorist organization.

This is where the 13 chin-up requirements for UTK selection comes in handy.
Directed by Zulkarnain Azhar, and co-produced by Grand Brilliance and Infinitus Productions, J Revolusi is a film that will take you on a rollercoaster ride of adrenaline-pumping action, replete with bullets, motorcycles and the occasional dangling off a crane. In order to achieve action-packed scenes that are a cut above local action movies, the production actually flew in a stunt director from Hong Kong, and it shows. The fights are top-notch – crisp, clean and engaging.

A LITERAL rollercoaster ride is in the movie!

Unit Tindakhas(UTK) actually provided two high-tech Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) for the team to use in the production of J Revolusi, just thought we should mention this cause it’s pretty darn cool.
A great start to dip your toes into a new wave of Malaysian Action Films, J-Revolusi is available on iTunes here.